mt wallet

Clinique: Color Surge Butter Shine Lipstick (Raspberry Rush)

Clinique Color Surge Butter Shine Lipstick

(Picture from Sephora website.)

Final Verdict: Inconclusive

This is result of my foray into the realm of lipstick. My thinking was along the lines of… I want to add a little color on my lips, but I do hate when I hate dry lips. Glossy is OK, but I do not like lip glosses as they are usually sticky and much too ‘shiny’ for my liking. Lots of good reviews about this, so I hopped over to Sephora to try and buy. I freaking tried all the colors on the back of my hand, and put them next to my lips (sorry, I’m just not going to put the tester on my lips directly or with a q-tip…). Liked the texture and amount of glossy, and that it was more of a heavy tint than a deep infusion of color. I love pink and coral lips–I think they look so pretty–but.. just doesn’t work on me / my skin tone :( The deeper hues actually work better (reds/violets).

Here’s the color on my arm. Trying to take a picture head on, the shimmers made it look a lot lighter, so I had to tilt my arm. I think you can see the color well, but still tell that it is shimmery. Camera not so smart, focused on itself and not me–whatever, you can still see the color on my lips.

Brought this home, and had a test run today. Goes on reeeallly smooth and slick, and I like that I can build the color. A bit of shimmer; shiny but not too sticky. So far, so good, right? I think the color is quite nice, without looking too made up.

Alas, I have a problem: You see, I like to drive with all the windows down on the local streets seeing as how the weather is so fine! And… the wind whips my hair as I drive–that’s the fun part!–but now that’s a problem! My hair sticks to my lips, and then gets caught up in the wind again or I swipe it away, and now I’m wondering if the lipstick is getting all over my face?! OK probably not, but it is taking off some of my lipstick >:/ After 6 hours of wear with no reapplication, I came home and noticed that it did seem to stain my lips a pretty color.. so maybe that’ll be OK?

I was back at Sephora the day after and noticed a few products by Korres…

  • Lip Butter: Actually I already own this in Wild Rose; it came as a part of a sampler set. Now that I’m interested in lip products, I’ll be going back to try it again.
  • Mango Butter Lipstick: Ohh.. I liked this one a lot, but it seemed so sheer on the back of my hand, I wondered how well the color would show up on my lips? Felt like a really smooth (tinted) chapstick! [Note to self: I like #25 Natural Rose] But I could imagine I’d need to reapply frequently, as it seemed to rub off my hand really easily.
  • Raspberry Liquid Lipstick: Very vibrant, rich color, straight out of the tube, but I used my finger to spread the drop on the back of my hand a bit, and it seemed to spread evenly and turn into more of a tint than a drop of paint. But gee, at $22 for the same size as the solid stick…and it is supposed to be more of a gloss, so maybe I’d still have that same problem of too much sticky for my hair? But I’m hoping that it’ll turn work as more of a stain (with the added option of a gloss, lol). But still… $22….

Other notes:

(1) I bought a lipliner (see next review) as I read it would make the lipstick last longer, but I only lined and didn’t fill in. Also applied chapstick before applying lipliner.

(2) In another test, I tried chapstick, lipliner, foundation, lipstick, blot, lipstick. (I read that foundation helps the lipstick last longer), but the foundation tasted really gross, and made my lips dry. :(

(3) Several online reviewers mentioned that they loved the case, using descriptors such as “sleek” and “sophisticated,” and I do agree that the case is very pretty.

I will definitely update after using a few more times, and/or when I finally decide whether it’s a keeper. :)

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