mt wallet

Bamboo Knife Dock

Dimensions: 15” L x 6” W x 2.5” H
Woot deal: $14.99 + $5 shipping
Info and reviews available on The Container Store site.

I guess there’s not too much that can be said about this. I like it and it’s good for what I need it for. I primarily bought it because I bought a really nice ceramic knife (review later), and I didn’t want it rattling in the drawer (can cause chipping in blade). The deal came up on Woot a couple of weeks ago, and I was like “Hey, this is actually what I really need!” and bought it.

  • Adjustable dividers: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!!! This is the primary reason I bought it. I don’t have a knife set (if I did, I’d probably already have a dock); I have an assortment of knives (two chef knives, a utility knife, and a paring knife). Just about every knife block out there has pre-set holes for your knives. I mean, I know what knives I have right now but what if I acquire one or two more? What if the block I buy doesn’t accommodate those? Then I don’t buy the knife? I buy a new block!?
  • Sits in a drawer: I don’t have a tiny kitchen, but I really prefer to use my counter space for food prep.
  • Size fits most drawers: I don’t actually have a problem with this since my drawers are pretty wide, and an average depth, but I like that it’s rather compact and doesn’t take up that much space in the drawer.

Like I said, this was great for me, and at a great price.

The Container Store also has a larger version if you have many and/or excessively long knives.

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